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November 7 - 13, 2021

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Aggie First Scholars BIPOC Student Panel with JC Vázquez

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Aggie First Scholars is hosting a public Zoom panel with first-generation college students who also identify as students of color. Join us in learning about their stories!

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |

The Afghanistan Crisis: The Challenges of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The US experience in Afghanistan raises important questions about the meaning of peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and the ability of the US to engage in either one. What should global visions of peacekeeping be? Is it even possible to move from peacekeeping to peacebuilding? Our aim with this panel is to promote a campus-wide discussion on the meanings of peacebuilding and peacekeeping by bringing together practitioners and academics. Speakers include Dr. Danielle Ross, Ms. Somaye Sarvarzade, and Brig-Gen Tyler Smith. Sponsored by the Global Peacebuilding Certificate program and the Tanner Humanities program.

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - Balance, Variety, and Moderation in Eating

Panel Discussion/Presentation

For a little more than 100 years we have been studying food and the nutrition it provides the human body. From this research nutrition scientists have developed key principles designed to better inform food choices that optimize health. This presentation will discuss a few of these nutrition principles that are designed to help people make better food choices and lifestyle changes. Register today and join April Litchford, USU Extension professor, as she shares practical ways to use balance, variety, and moderation to optimize the nutrients you eat while minimizing your potential for weight gain and development of disease. Attendance and participation in this activity qualify as a required activity in the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Leadership Forum: Mia Love, Former United States Representative

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Focused Friday

Join us for a conversation with Former United States Congresswoman Mia Love, and Huntsman School Associate Dean Dave Patel, for a conversation about leadership in business, politics, and public service.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Huntsman Hall |

Strengthening Your Emotional Health as Women

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our fourth Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

More than ever before, our emotional health as women is critical to being able to not just “get through” or “endure” the responsibilities of a myriad of life roles but be able to flourish and thrive. Challenges related to things like stress, exhaustion, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, and the feeling of not being “good enough” can halt your positive growth and development. Dr. Susan R. Madsen, founder of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, will moderate a lively and engaging panel of therapists, authors, and experts on this topic. Julie Hanks, Tiffany Roe, and Melanie Davis will discuss the overall components of emotional wellbeing, trends in women’s mental health, and many of the top challenges that women are facing today. They will share their professional insights on top strategies and tools that can help women move from enduring to thriving. We will integrate questions from the audience as well. All are welcome!

RSVP to attend.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Online/Virtual |




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