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Friday, October 1

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A Fireside Chat with Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson on Women and Leadership

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Utah Women & Leadership Project invites you to join us for our second Fall Women’s Leadership Forum.

Deidre M. Henderson, Utah’s ninth Lieutenant Governor, is well-recognized in Utah for her political leadership for eight years in the Utah State Senate. She gained a reputation as a strong conservative, a champion for government transparency, and a vocal advocate for women and families. In this engaging fireside chat, she will respond to questions about her own leadership development journey and provide her insights and perspectives on why, where, and how women today are needed to influence, impact, and lead in all settings. Come, listen, and learn from this important conversation! This event is open to all girls/women and those who influence them (this includes men too).

Register to join.

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm |

Alumni Lunch Series: Alek Nelson

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Alumni Lunch Series is now CHaSS Trailheads, but our events will continue to provide meaningful opportunities for current students to connect with our amazing alumni. All USU students, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to attend!

Join us for a Digital Portfolios workshop with Alek Nelson (JCOM ‘21), Director of Marketing and Media at CacheARTS.

What is a Digital Portfolio? Come learn more about an important tool in the virtual hiring world. Learn how to showcase your skills and get noticed by potential employers and hear how Alek used his portfolio to rise to the director role right out of college!

Please wear a mask and help us continue to host in-person events this semester.

Refreshments will be provided after the event.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Old Main |




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