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Ken Brewer Celebration of Writing Inaugural Reading by Christopher Cokinos


The Ken Brewer Celebration of Writing will honor the legacy of the late Ken Brewer, beloved USU Professor, Utah Poet Laureate, and indefatigable champion of poetry in Cache Valley and the Rocky Mountains.

The inaugural reading will be given by Christopher Cokinos, who was a colleague and friend of Ken's who taught at Utah State University for nearly 10 years before taking a position at the University of Arizona. Since then he's returned every year to a cabin in Logan Canyon. His love of the Wasatch and Utah is reflected in his work, which includes The Fallen Sky: An Intimate History of Shooting Stars, the lyric essay collection Bodies of the Holocene and his chapbook Held as Earth. Most recently he's the author of the New American Press Prize-winning poetry collection The Underneath and co-editor of Beyond Earth's Edge: The Poetry of Spaceflight.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |




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