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LAEP Speaker Series: Patty Stevens


"Towards Regenerative Place Making" The “Story of Place” is an inquiry framework used by regenerative development practitioners to identify the inherent potential of a place. By engaging a community in collaboratively unearthing the unique story of a place, we can build community cohesion around a common purpose. Patty will share how her land planning and design practice has evolved towards regenerative placemaking through a series of pivotal park and open space projects in northeast Ohio. She will illustrate how developing an authentic story of a place and integrating interpretation with physical improvements, reveals the story and builds place attachment. Grounded in the belief that place attachment can motivate positive environmental and societal change, her work suggests a need for a larger discussion about the value of place in our times and an expanded role for landscape architects as agents of regeneration.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Fine Arts Visual |




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