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Wednesday, October 23

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Annual Undergraduate Exhibition


The Art + Design Undergraduate Art Exhibition celebrates the diversity of creative expression within the department, showcasing an impressive range of artwork from students at various levels in their academic journey. The exhibition offers a comprehensive view of the talent emerging from disciplines such as drawing & painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, design, ceramics, and our foundations courses.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Tippetts and Eccles Galleries |

Open Access Week


Come by the library table in the Merrill-Cazier lobby to learn about open access week, grab a snack, and make a button using open access images!

10:00 am - 12:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Wildland Fire Recruitment Fair


Sponsored by the USU Wildland Fire Club Learn about fire job opportunities with Bureau of Land Management US Forest Service Utah Forestry, Fire and State Lands National Park Service US Fish and Wildlife Service

10:00 am - 3:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Ecology Center Data Science Workshop: Visualizing using ggplot


The USU Ecology Center is offering a series of workshops on programming for data science. All workshops will be held on Wednesday at 10:30AM in NR 217 (excluding the week of Thanksgiving). Please tell us which workshops you plan to attend at the link. You can email Michael Stemkovski (m.stemkovski@usu.edu) with any questions.

10:30 am - 11:30 am | Natural Resources Building |

Day of the Dead Ofrenda at NEHMA


Día de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life and death that connects family members and allows many to grow closer with their loved ones. NEHMA highlights this tradition by creating a large ofrenda (offering table) in the lobby of the museum. On display are calaveras (decorated skulls), photos, food, candles, and marigold flowers to represent different kinds of ofrendas. People are welcome to dedicate a small portion of that ofrenda to someone they lost by writing their name on the ofrenda wall. Come visit the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art and our Día de Los Muertos ofrenda!

All Day | Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art |

First amendment club


The first amendment club will encourage students to register to vote

11:00 am - 5:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

49th Annual Honors Last Lecture


The University Honors Program presents the 49th Annual Honors Last Lecture, featuring Dr. Laura Gelfand, Distinguished Professor of Art History in Caine College of the Arts. Honors students nominated and interviewed faculty, selecting Dr. Gelfand as the 2024 Honors Outstanding Professor. The title of Dr. Gelfand’s lecture is “The Future is Unwritten: Be Passionate.”

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall |

49th Annual Honors Last Lecture


The USU Honors Program presents the 49th Annual Honors Last Lecture featuring Professor Laura Gelfand, the 2024 Honors Outstanding Professor, on Oct. 23 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall. Gelfand will deliver a talk titled "The Future is Unwritten: Be Passionate," encouraging students to pursue their passions and make a difference. The event is free and open to the public, with a reception to follow.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall |

Residency Information Session


Learn how to become a Utah resident to apply for in-state tuition for the Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 semesters.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Sovereignty Speaker Series: Dustin Jansen


Join the Proposed Native American Cultural Center for our Sovereignty Speaker Series. This series focuses on learning about the role of sovereignty for Native nations from local leaders and educators. Dustin Jansen is the Director of the Utah Division of Indian Affairs. Join us for refreshments and conversation.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Family Life Building |

The Ecology Center / Matt Forister: Insects in the Anthropocene through the lens of butterflies in the western US.


“I am interested in population ecology and the evolution of ecological interactions. I have spent much of my career thinking about diet breadth and host shifts in herbivorous insects, especially in Lycaeides butterflies. In recent years, more of my attention has gone to questions of global change and monitoring butterflies at long term study sites that we maintain in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.” There will be a catered social in the BNR Atrium (just outside BNR 102) following Wednesday’s seminar on October 23 at 5:00 pm. All are welcome but please RSVP so we have an idea of how much food to order: ECSS Evening Social RSVP: Dr. Matt Forister

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Biology & Natural Resources building |

Chips, Sips, and Engineering Jeopardy - SHPE

Social/Networking | Inclusive Excellence

Join us to play jeopardy focused on engineering topics and win a prize! Chips and drinks will be provided.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Engineering Building |

IEEE Officer Meeting


Would you like to be an IEEE officer?
Come join us any Wednesday at 5:00. We will plan and organize various events to help students learn and make connections with industry. We will plan projects, talks, and tours.
This is a great way to learn and gain leadership experience. Electrical/Computer engineers and all other disciplines welcome.
We meet at 5:00 in the Snack Shack(ENLAB 108)

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm | Engineering Laboratory |



Artoberfest is a yearly celebration of creativity and unity, featuring everything from painting and ceramics to hands-on crafts. Local artists and artisans will display their work, encouraging everyone to dive into various art forms. There will also be free food and crafts for everyone to participate in. This community event is all about fostering expression and a love for the arts. Join us to celebrate the beauty of creativity together!

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Master of Public Health (MPH) in Veterinary Public Health Virtual Open House


The College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences offers a 100% online Master of Public Health (MPH) in Veterinary Public Health. The program is holding a Virtual Open House that will include a program overview and Q&A session on October 23, 2024, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Mountain Time. A recording will be available afterward for individuals who register but are not able to attend live. Pre-registration is required to attend live or to obtain the recording. Registration link: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7Nvv2ciBNuj5Rau The program provides interdisciplinary training that integrates veterinary sciences with core public health principles. Develop essential skills to monitor and control public health threats by understanding disease transmission among humans, animals, and the environment and receive specialized training in the emerging public health discipline of One Health.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm |

WEAU General Meeting


Join us for our weekly meetings as we prepare for our competition at the annual WEF conference.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | USU Libraries |

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Drone Operations in Wildland Fire Management


Sponsored by the USU Wildland Fire Club Demonstration and discussion by Erik Haberstick Fire Management Office and qualified UAS Pilot Rocky Basin Fire Management Zone – US Fish & Wildlife Service

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | Quad |

Turtles All the Way Down: What fossils of chelonians tell us about the Age of Dinosaurs in Utah and beyond


Today, only one species of turtle - the Mojave Desert Tortoise - is definitively native to Utah. But did you know that during the Age of Dinosaurs, our state had one of the most diverse turtle faunas in Earth history? Whether you're a turtle fan or just a paleo nerd, come learn about the diverse turtles from the Cretaceous of southern Utah, including a massive new species, and what they tell us about ancient aquatic ecosystems.

Part of USU Eastern's "From the Book Cliffs to Blanding: A Panoramic View of Eastern Utah" series, come hear paleontology professor Josh Lively speak the fascinating fossils that lie beneath our feet.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Utah State University Eastern Campus |

Aggie Translators


If you are fluent in a second or third language, we need you! Come join our wonderful team of Aggie Translators and help us provide translation and interpreting services in our community. Every other Wednesday, we meet to receive informal training to become community translators and interpreters and enhance our language skills. Don't miss out on this opportunity, be an "Aggie Translator."

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Old Main |

A Guide to Birding and the Christmas Bird Count: Free Workshop


A Guide to Birding and the Christmas Bird Count: Free Community Workshop. Unsure of what binoculars to bird with? What is a Christmas bird count? Unsure if Merlin is a bird or a phone app? Whether you are new to birding or looking to sharpen your skills, this interactive workshop is a great place to start your journey into the avian world. All ages welcome.

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm |

Friends of the Library Fall Lecture: Slenderman


While most people first learned of the creature known as Slender Man in 2014 in the wake of a gruesome attempted murder in Waukesha, Wisconsin, many fans and creators of the online genre known as "creepypasta" had already been familiar with him for years. Blending the tropes of folk legend and literary horror, creepypasta is a collaborative, hybrid genre that provides an entirely new outlet for scaring ourselves silly. This talk will consider the role that the internet has played in reshaping folklore and folk belief, and will examine several examples of contemporary online horror that illustrate the ways in which folklore continues as a symbolic barometer for society's anxieties and fears in the digital age.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | USU Libraries |

Phi Alpha Theta Fright Night

Student Activities

Join us for a historically spooky night! Come enjoy some treats and candy while both professors and students deliver some haunting tales from different eras of history. Don't forget to dress up! There will be rewards for the best costume.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | David B. Haight Center |

SLENDERMAN and the ongoing appeal of Horror in the Digital Age


This talk will consider the role the internet has played in reshaping folklore and folk belief and will examine several examples of contemporary online horror that illustrate the ways in which folklore continues as a symbolic barometer for society's anxieties and fears in the Digital age.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

Cybersecurity Skills Night

Student Activities | Competitions

Learning through hands-on experience is the best way to learn! We will be hosting multiple skills nights this semester to gain hands on experience through the National Cyber League (NCL) practice "gym". Our amazing ACES will work groups to focus on networks, reverse engineering, digital forensics, and more. The NCL individual game starts October 25-27 and is for everyone from beginners with zero cyber experience to people with years of experience. It's a great way to learn cybersecurity skills in a lower-stakes environment. See you there! October 23rd - 7pm - HH 360

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Jazz Jams


This concert will feature the Caine Jazz Combo, a guest artist, and jazz students from the Music Department performing standard jazz tunes. The jam session is open to everyone, and attendees are encouraged to bring their instruments and join in. Jam sessions take place on the Hub Stage on the first floor of the Taggart Student Center, near the food court.

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm | TSC, HUB |




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