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Friday, November 22

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Bear Lake Project & Annual Graduate Exhibition


The Bear Lake Needs Assessment Documentation & Visualization Project, led by assistant professor Jared Ragland and USU photography students, captures the intersection of Bear Lake's natural ecology and human use through documentary photography. This collaborative project showcases research-driven imagery on key topics such as agriculture, water management, and development, while highlighting the vital work of USU researchers and local community partnerships. The exhibition will be featured at the Tippets and Eccles Gallery and in USU’s Special Collections and Archives. This work was created in partnership with USU’s Institute for Land, Water, and Air and funded by a Bear Lake Needs Assessment grant administered by Utah Forestry, Fire, and State Lands.

The USU Art + Design Annual Graduate Art Exhibition showcases emerging artists' innovative and diverse works across various disciplines. Each work reflects the unique vision and creative journey of the graduates, offering a compelling exploration of contemporary themes and artistic practices.

These exhibitions run Nov. 4–Dec. 13 in the Tippetts & Eccles Galleries, open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Tippetts & Eccles Art Galleries |

Women in Tech Zion's Bank Leadership Conference

Conference/Seminar | Career Exploration Trips

Join Women in Tech clubs across Utah for inspiring leadership training, insightful workshops, and valuable networking opportunities, all hosted by Zion's Bank. Apply by November 17th with the link below!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm |

Women in Finance Upperclassmen Panel - Fall 2024

Panel Discussion/Presentation

The Women in Finance Club has listened to your feedback and will have a panel of impressive juniors and seniors to answer some of your burning questions regarding all things finance. Come join us in the Caines Room located in the Life Science Building on November 22nd from 12-1 pm. This is going to be an active discussion so please bring your questions and friends!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Life Sciences Building |



Join us in NR 204 every Friday at noon for free pizza and conversations about various topics in ecology! Anyone is welcome regardless of background or experience, and topics range from discussions about specific scientific processes to broader questions on how ecology interfaces with society and politics. Come for the pizza, stay for the conversation (or more pizza, your choice). If you have a topic you would like to put forward or lead a conversation on, email us at either roland.q.eckhart@usu.edu or will.harrod@usu.edu and let us know! We are always looking for people interested in leading discussions or proposing subjects.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Meet the National Security Agency (NSA)


Join us for an exclusive event exploring the National Security Agency (NSA) and the incredible career opportunities it offers. Don't miss your chance to meet with recruiters and past employees!

Career opportunities include:
- Data Science
- Cybersecurity
- Communication
- Language Analysis
- Computer Science
- Cryptography
- Engineering

Join us on Friday, November 22 at 12:30 PM in HH 322 for a presentation, questions, and light networking.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

CHaSS Presents Alumni in Academia

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Join CHaSS for an Alumni in Academia event focused on exploring career opportunities in higher education! Learn about current job opportunities, the application process, and strategies for success from alumni working across various academic fields. This event is free and open to all. Lunch will be provided.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | USU Libraries |

Library Board Game Day


USU Libraries invites you to celebrate International Games Month with a drop-in board game day! Come learn a new game or play an old favorite. We will have a wide selection of games to choose from, and experts to help you learn new games. Snacks will also be provided.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Merrill Cazier Library Innovation Hub |

MAE Research Seminar Series


Dr. Aaron Altman
Chief Scientist
Aerodynamic Technology Branch
U.S Air Force Research Laboratory
Overview of the Aerospace Vehicles Division and the Aerodynamic Technology Branch Research Activites within the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Education Building |

LAEP Speaker Series: Angela Brooks, Women in Landscape Architecture Lecture


Corporation for Supportive Housing, the Source for Housing Solutions, Illinois Program No truer words have ever been spoken than Dorothy’s “There’s no place like home.” A home is more than just the physical structure; it is a place that emotes comfort, safety, and belonging. Yet for many the storied dream of home is more fiction than fairytale. I’ll share my experiences, how a chance encounter with public housing led to a career dedicated to working to help the under – and un-housed; and along the way, how my professional association helped prepare me to tackle career challenges.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Fine Arts Visual |

Miss Native American USU Pageant

Cultural | Inclusive Excellence

Join the USU Native American Cultural Center in crowing our new Miss Native American USU For 2024-2025. Student contestants will highlight their knowledge, skills, and talents to compete for the title and represent USU for the coming 24-25 year.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Dangerous Love: A Workshop with USU professor Chad Ford


In conflict? At home, at work, or in your community? Learn the skills to transform your conflicts with with USU Peacebuilding professor Chad Ford in an interactive two-hour workshop. The Dangerous Love workshop takes you through an interactive process that Professor Ford has developed to help individuals, families and groups work through conflict. Everyone in attendance will be asked to think deeply about a person or group they are in conflict with and then we will, together as a group, work through the conflict. Expect to play some games, wrestle with some deep questions and hopefully, find a path to transform your conflict into something constructive.

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm |

USU Physics November Demo Show

Special Event

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to the 2024 USU Physics November Demo Show. This year's theme is "The Physics of Phase Transitions." Admission is free! USU physicist James Coburn will offer exciting demonstrations of freezing, boiling, melting and condensing. Demos will include making liquid air, making solid air, crushing a 55-gallon drum and making an ice bomb! USU's Department of Physics is pleased to offer this super-fun learning event to the Cache Valley community.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

USU Physics November Demo Show

Special Event

Inquiring minds of all ages are invited to the 2024 USU Physics November Demo Show. This year's theme is "The Physics of Phase Transitions." Admission is free! USU physicist James Coburn will offer exciting demonstrations of freezing, boiling, melting and condensing. Demos will include making liquid air, making solid air, crushing a 55-gallon drum and making an ice bomb! USU's Department of Physics is pleased to offer this super-fun learning event to the Cache Valley community.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Eccles Science Learning Center Auditorium |

Between the Lines


An outsider in a new school, Delilah seeks comfort in the pages of her favorite book, where she feels heard and understood. But as the lines between the two worlds of reality and fantasy begin to blur in extraordinary and astonishing ways, Delilah must confront whether she alone has the power to rewrite her own story.” – from betweenthelines.com

Movie Equivalent Rating: PG-13

Nov. 15–16, & 19–22 at 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 16 & 23 at 1 p.m.
Morgan Theatre, Daryl Chase Fine Arts Center

7:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Morgan Theatre |

Sounds of the Stadium


Relive the excitement of the 2024 Aggie! Marching! Band! season as we reprise all the fantastic music from our Maverik Stadium pregame and halftime shows and honor our amazingly dedicated students. Sing along with your favorites and show your Aggie pride! Sit toward the back of the Daines Concert Hall or bring some ear plugs. This is a loud one!

7:30 pm | Chase Fine Arts Center, Daines Concert Hall |




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