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Thursday, January 23

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Call for 2025 Presidential Award Nominations


Each year, USU recognizes the work of outstanding faculty, staff, students, partners, and alumni that exemplifies collaboration between USU and the greater community and demonstrates ongoing commitment to community engagement and positive social change. The Center for Community Engagement has three prestigious awards for students, faculty, and community members who are committed to outstanding service: The Presidential Award, the Ivory Prize, and the Val R. Christensen Service Scholarship. Deadline for nominations Saturday, March 15, 2025, 11:59pm. Award ceremony takes place Wednesday, April 16, 2025 5pm-5pm in TSC Lounges.

All Day | Taggart Student Center |

Info Table - FORVIS

Social/Networking | Student Recruiting

FORVIS Professionals will be on campus to meet with students and answer questions. Stop by anytime.

8:00 am - 12:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

This is Research: 50 Years of Undergraduate Innovation


In celebration of 50 years of the undergraduate research program at Utah State University, the Office of Research presents a landmark exhibition showcasing the innovative work of undergraduate researchers across all disciplines. From microscopy images to engineering prototypes, artistic interpretations to scientific specimens, this curated collection demonstrates how undergraduate research at USU has impacted student lives and our understanding of the world since 1975.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Tippetts & Eccles Art Galleries |

USU and You: Lesha Coltharp


Join us this week for the USU and You radio show. This week we will be sitting down with Lesha Coltharp, Executive Director of Travel and Tourism for Uintah County.

9:00 am - 9:30 am |

Designing Corporate Women’s Networks, Initiatives, and Leadership Programs


This workshop is designed specifically for company representatives who are interested in creating, designing, developing, or restructuring women’s networks, groups, programs, and/or other initiatives in their organizations. Current and future leaders of women’s groups/networks and corporate leaders involved in these strategic initiatives are invited to participate. Based on the latest research, Dr. Susan R. Madsen will teach attendees about the types of efforts, programs, and designs have been showed to be effective in supporting and advancing women in workplace settings. There will be opportunities for attendees to share best practices and ideas as well. The afternoon will consist of engaging presentations, small group conversations, and individual activities. This Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) offering is designed to provide attendees with 1) tools to design and development effective programs and initiatives, 2) opportunities to network with those doing similar work in other companies, and 3) resources to help Utah employees obtain additional career development experiences and opportunities in the community.

12:00 pm - 3:00 pm |

ENVS Community Lunch


ENVS Community Lunch

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Analytic Solution Center Innovation Lab

Student Activities

Explore exciting topics beyond the classroom and expand your knowledge and skills in data analytics and information systems. Everyone is welcome!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Eccles Business Building – Tanner Lounge (9th Floor) |

Sausage tortellini soup with breadsticks and a brownie. with ABLE Office Speaker


FREE LUNCH- Sausage tortellini soup with breadsticks and a brownie. with ABLE Office Speaker. This event is for students utilizing a Veteran Affairs education benefit or veterans, dependents, and active/guard/reserve members.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Aetna Webinar – The Perils of Procrastination and Perfectionism


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Let's talk about the reasons people may postpone, delay or put off doing a task even when it impacts their life negatively. We will also learn helpful approaches to overcome procrastination so you can start to work toward what you hope to achieve in your daily life.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Data Science Workshops with the Ecology Center


This is a free skill sharing program though the Ecology Center that lets grad students learn immediately applicable techniques from their peers. All students from all departments are welcome! Tell your friends! This semester, we are pleased to offer 5 new workshops in addition to our most popular classics. Please review the schedule below and sign up for the workshops that you would like to attend via the event URL.

Jan 16 - Data management with data.table - Michael Stemkovski
Jan 23 - Iteration with loops/apply - Dani Berger
Jan 30 - Writing custom functions - Michael Stemkovski
Feb 6 - Script organization with Rmarkdown - Annie Schiffer *
Feb 13 - Visualizations with ggplot - Soren Struckman
Feb 20 - Working with words using regex & stringr - Michael Stemkovski *
Feb 27 - Wrangling spatial data - Dani Berger
Mar 6 - Plotting maps - Maria Stahl
Mar 20 - Demystifying R model formulas - Michael Stemkovski
Mar 27 - Generalized linear mixed models - Kelvyn Bladen *
Apr 3 - Bayesian models with RStan/BRMS (NR 202) - Annie Schiffer *
Apr 10 - Machine learning methods - Kelvyn Bladen
Apr 17 - Working with databases using SQL - Soren Struckman *
* brand new workshop

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Sovereignty Speaker


The Native American Cultural Program invites you to a friendly discussion with Meredith Lam from American Indian Services about sovereignty in Native education.
Learn how sovereignty helps preserve culture and empower Native communities. We’d love to see you there!

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Family Life Center |

Watershed Science Spring Seminar: Climate Data for Climate Adaptation, with Andre Moraes


Please join us for a Watershed Sciences seminar! Light refreshments provided.

Andre Moraes
USU Department of Watershed Sciences and Climate Adaptation Science

Thursday, January 23 @ 4:30pm in NR 105

"Climate Data for Climate Adaptation"

Andre Moraes is an environmental scientist who is passionate about using geospatial and remote sensing analysis in multidisciplinary environments to do stakeholder-driven research and assess, model, and identify solutions for environmental issues. Currently, Andre has focused his research, teaching, and outreach on Climate Data Analysis and Adaptation to Climate Change.

Other interests include the assessment and modeling of Soil and Water Conservation Practices, Pedometrics, and the monitoring of seasonal and long-term Land Cover and Water Demand Changes.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Natural Resources Building |

Industry Speaker

Panel Discussion/Presentation

BMES is hosting guest speaker, Katherine Glaittli, from Recursion. She will be speaking about her undergraduate experience at USU, her time in industry, and how students can prepare to work in the field. All engineering students are invited to attend.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Engineering Building |

Engineering 360°: Learn How to 3D Print


Come learn the basics of setting up a 3D print. No previous experience is necessary - we'll teach you all you need to know to choose a project and walk a way with a printed piece! This workshop will cover the following: - Understand the role of slicing in the 3D printing process and how it converts your design into a printable format. - Discover how to select the optimal settings for your project to ensure the best results. - Gain practical knowledge on setting up and executing your prints. Spots must be reserved at least 24 hours in advance and the blue permit quiz must be completed online before attending. (https://engineering.usu.edu/students/idea-factory/)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm |

Volunteer Tutors for Athletics

Special Event

Sign up to assist and mentor middle school and high school age students who come from refugee backgrounds. You'll be helping with homework, studying, and other activities. All activities will be supervised. You'll receive a message from Mayu Mecham with details you'll need to know at the beginning of the week of your scheduled session. Register to volunteer through AggiePulse, link below. Address provided with registration.

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm |

Spring Accounting Meet the Firms

Social/Networking | Student Recruiting

Accounting students are invited to attend the Accounting Spring Meet the Firms. Come ready to network with firms and talk to them about the spring recruiting process. Dress is business professional.

RSVP: https://huntsmancrm.tfaforms.net/358885?Id=a2cPk00002FhsySIAR

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Consulting Association: Semester Ice Cream Social + Minor Student Panel


We'll be having a panel of minor students discussing all things Consulting-Related, such as job experience, interview tips, and benefits. It's also a perfect opportunity to network, meet with other consulting students, and get associated with the presidency. Ice Cream + refreshments provided.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |

Engineers without Borders Opening Social

Student Activities

USU Engineers without Borders opening social, with games and a popcorn bar.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Engineering Building |

Tune n' Wax Clinic


Do your skis or board need some attention? Learn how to do a basic tune and wax! Price includes equipment, wax, P-Tex, and instruction.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Large Group

Student Activities

We are a group of Christians on campus from all different backgrounds. We come together every Thursday to explore our faith, enjoy community, and have tons of fun together. Everyone is welcome!

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Tune n' Wax Clinic


Do your skis or board need some attention? Learn how to do a basic tune and wax! Price includes equipment, wax, P-Tex, and instruction.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Tune n' Wax Clinic with Aggie Rec


Do your skis or board need some attention? Learn how to do a basic tune and wax! Price includes equipment, wax, P-Tex, and instruction.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Aggie Recreation Center (ARC) |

Arts Week 2025: Live Band Karaoke w/ USUMTSA (and Chocolate Milk & Cookies!)


Get ready to rock out at Live Band Karaoke! Pick your favorite song, and a live band will back you up as you sing your heart out. Whether you're a seasoned performer or just looking to have fun, it's your time to shine and feel like a true rock star!

Also, from 9–11 a.m., join us by the Art + Design Office in the Fine Arts Visual building to kick off your morning the right way! Stop by for a delicious chocolate milk and a muffin to fuel your day before heading to class. It’s the perfect pick me up to start your day with a smile!

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | TSC, HUB |




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