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October 23 - 29, 2022

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LGBT+ Support Group


LGBTQ+ Support Group is for students that identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and those that are questioning if they are a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Students are provided with the opportunity to get together in a safe environment where they can learn from, and support, each other. Each week, we will discuss important issues that LGBTQ+ individuals face with topics being chosen by those who wish to participate. This group will be co-facilitated by Jacob Cameron, a therapist from USU Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) and Erika-Danielle Lundström, the Gender and Sexuality Coordinator at the Inclusion Center. LGBTQ+ Support Group meets every Monday from 11:30am-12:30pm. Please contact CAPS to sign up, for location information, or any other questions you may have: 435.797.1012 or capsinfo@usu.edu.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm |

Body Liberation Support Group


This group is an opportunity to discuss and support one another within the complicated and varied issues surrounding body liberation, with an emphasis on Body Justice and Fat Liberation, to illuminate the truth and move past societal/cultural messaging in an effort to liberate each individual participant. This group will provide: A safe space to explore societal impacts on group members’ relationship with their bodies, self-image, and health. A safe space to share individual and collective experiences of living in this society; including workplace, dating, family of origin, social media, health systems, etc. A safe space to authentically connect with others around experiences, thoughts, and feelings of living in a thin-obsessed, fat-phobic culture. Resources and information to learn more about the concepts of Body Justice, Fat Liberation, Health At Every Size, etc. This group is open to students, faculty, and staff. Registration is required for all participants.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Utah State University |

F-Word Workshop: Consent Through Empowerment


Join SAAVI"S Outreach and Prevention Coordinator, Felicia Gallegos, for a safe and open conversation on consent and empowerment.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | USU Libraries |

AJEDI Series: Heart2Heart Workshop


Heart2Heart (H2H) is a theoretically-grounded intervention developed by people of color for people of color. In this series, we will build a community of support as participants learn about intersectional identities, racial wellness, microaggressions, empowerment, and microinterventions. Over the course of 8 weeks, we will build a Wellness Toolbox together and practice mindfulness.

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm | USU Libraries |




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