Upcoming Events


Lunch & Learn - Credit Card Hacks


USU Be Well and Extension's Empowering Financial Wellness Program present a lunch and learn on credit card benefits and tips. There are best practices to leverage credit card benefits, but it's important to use them wisely to avoid unnecessary debt. There is a growing interest in credit card "hacks" that can help you maximize rewards, get the best perks, and improve your credit score. Today we’ll share some tips to help you make the most of your spending. Join our experts from the Empowering Financial Wellness team to learn more about what to look for when choosing a credit card, how to be an informed credit card user, and hacks to use credit cards to your advantage. *Presentation will be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – What’s Your EI? Becoming Aware of Your Emotional Intelligence


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Emotions can be overwhelming sometimes. It's important to be aware of your feelings and know how to manage them. This webinar will: *Review the characteristics of people with high EI. *Discuss how to develop your EI. *Provide ways to identify and manage emotions.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – Take Time To Relax: A Stress Reduction Experience


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. You don't need a lot of time to find a sense of calm and balance. It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths. Join to learn simple ways to decompress, de-stress and participate in a relaxation exercises.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – End of Life Wishes: How To Have the Conversation


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Many people have strong feelings about their end-of-life care. Yet many never tell their family – or even their doctors – what their wishes are. Join this webinar to learn: • Ways to start and handle the conversation with your loved one • Who to include in your conversation • How this difficult talk can create positive, loving feelings

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – Ready, Set, Relax


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Join this webinar to fill your toolbox with relaxation techniques like: • Meditation • Deep breathing • Guided imagery, and more

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – Finding Comfort Beyond the Comfort Zone


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Does the idea of taking a risk in your work or personal life frighten you? If so, you’re not alone. In this webinar we will: * Discuss your comfort zone and why you tend to stay there. * Review what factors may be keeping you from trying new things. * Talk about ways to break out of your comfort zone.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Aetna Webinar – Apologizing: What, When and How


Aetna, USU’s Employee Assistance Provider, presents a Resources for Living webinar. Apologizing can be difficult to navigate at times but can be an important skill to learn to improve your relationships. Join us to learn: -The benefits of apologizing - The do's and don'ts - Effective ways to apologize

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - Managing Our Emotions Under Pressure


USU Be Well and Aetna, USU's Employee Assistance Program present a lunch and learn on managing emotions under pressure. Self-regulation is a valuable tool that can help us manage our stress and other feelings. This training will provide information on the concept of self-regulation while introducing the physical and emotional effects of being under pressure. Participants will learn tools to understand the definition for self-regulation, understand effects of being pressured, learn to communicate effectively when under pressure, implement a plan to relieve pressure, and find life balance. *Presentation will not be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event will qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.*

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - How to Make Ends Meet: Budgeting for Tight Times


USU Be Well and Extension's Empowering Financial Wellness Program present a lunch and learn on budgeting and tips when times are tight. Creating a reliable budget can feel challenging, especially with rising costs and when income is tight. Learn how to take control of your finances and find a balance that works for your situation. Join our experts from the Empowering Financial Wellness team to learn more about how to adjust a budget with changes in income. *Presentation will be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |

Virtual Benefits Open Enrollment Fair

Special Event

Join us for our Virtual Open Enrollment Fair! There will be vendor presentations and an opportunity to schedule one-on-one meetings. More information including scheduling links and the presentation schedule can be found on the website when it goes live in April.

All Day | Online/Virtual |

Lunch & Learn - Brain Health


USU Be Well and Aetna, USU's Employee Assistance Program present a lunch and learn on improving our brain health. Do you have trouble remembering where you put your keys? Do you find yourself struggling to concentrate during meetings? New research shows how taking care of our brains can help us with age-related issues and improve day-to-day coping. This training will examine why brain health is important, provide tools to improve brain health, and offer resources for future reference. *Presentation will not be recorded. Attendance and participation in this event will qualify as an activity for the Be Well Rewards program.*

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Online/Virtual |




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